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The national campaign for vaccination against polio starting


The national campaign for vaccination against polio starting

Mr. Director General of the Department of Public Health , Dr. Hassan Hadi announced during a media conference, which was held on Sunday, which falls on 12.04.2015 hall meetings Health Center holy door for the start of the spring campaign, the second round of vaccination against polio under five years , which will last for five days throughBy foot, medical teams from house to house and fixed a difference in all our health centers and the Director General of the importance of vaccinating children against this serious disease and explained that the campaign include all children from the age of one day to the age of five years in replying to questions raised by Messrs attendance between that vaccine very Amin and global Mnascie sober and re-vaccinated children, the process will increase the immunity and lead in turn to reduce morbidity and mortality among children and in the end of his speech the importance of the cooperation of the people with health teams in the line of duty this conference was attended by Mr. Deputy Director General of the Department of Public Health and Director Department of Media Ministry and a representative of the World Health Organization and representatives of the Division of Immunization.

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